Mindfulness to strengthen the vertebrate.
Nature is a great place to heal grief.
Invisible loyalties, trust, and entitlements: How adventure therapy and wilderness therapy nurture trust.
Family Adventure! Rethink Disney land and build self esteem with nature-based family experiences.
Practice defining yourself through framing positive characteristics of yourself.
A perfect future. Is it possible. We think so.
Life is Pure Energy: Constant and Flowing
Choose wisely where you expend your energy.
An exercise for self exploration into the authentic self.
Awareness in the Social Engagement System, secure bonds and healthy attachment.
Mindfulness Hikes are so grounding and nourishing for the senses. Try this simple exercise on your next nature walk or hike.
The Mindful Mountain Wellness family is reminding you to take care of yourself this holiday season. Start to manage stress now before your immune system is compromised. Focus on proactive health to reduce inflammation for goals towards prevention and management of chronic disease.
Mindful Mountain Wellness and Chronic Inflammation; The first step is awareness and a goal to work towards proactive health using nature based interventions to fight chronic disease.
Mindfulness for self awareness and reducing inflammation here
Go to MindfulMountainWellness.Com to sign up for courses, workshops, and events.
Rose Quartz and Unconditional Love and Protection