Start now. Self Care for this Holiday Season
The holidays are approaching, which means for most of us, that stress levels are through the roof. Are you feeling the pressures for work time lines, family expectations or pressures, and burdens of financial stress adding up as the holiday season is rolling in?
The holidays are a time full of fun festivities and enjoyment but let’s face it, someone has a to absorb the stress of the holiday season too, and that normally means you, right?
We at Mindful Mountain Wellness want to remind you to take time for yourself to manage your stress load and protect your immune system to reduce inflammation so that you can enjoy the holiday season to the fullest. Remember to keep or develop a meditation practice, this can be accomplished while enjoying nature, reading a good book, walking, deep breathing in a bubble bath, or even just sitting down and enjoying a simple cup of tea to relax.
Make sure that your diet is loaded with fresh vegetables and fruits. The added nutrients and antioxidants will keep inflammation in check and the immune system thriving.
And always, always, drink plenty of fresh spring water.
-Mindful Mountain Wellness Family