Nature is a Great Place to Honor Grief
Grief is very complicated.
When we are grieving, every aspect of our being experiences it.
Spiritually, there is an intense feeling of loss that is accompanied by an overburdening physical sense of pain.
Many people will go to extreme measures to try and avoid the feeling of pain and grief.
Those that know grief, know that when we are grieving, it is almost impossible to avoid feelings of pain and loss.
Grief is a natural part of life.
People can experience grief for many reasons.
Any type of loss that a person experiences no matter how big or small can bring overwhelming clouds of grief.
It is helpful to acknowledge and honor feelings of grief because grief will not magically disappear.
Pushing grief away with clever strategies of avoidance is counterproductive and deceitful to the self.
Creating an outdoor sacred space can be helpful to honor grief.
This will provide an intentional space for you to go inward to nourish your soul.
For children and teenagers, it may be helpful to use a section of your backyard for a nature shrine, having them arrange rocks, dried flowers, seeds, pine cones, shells, sticks, or anything found in nature into a medicine wheel or mandala in dedication to a healing space for grief, loss, and love.
This helps to facilitate a source for both grief and love to be expressed safely.