Self Esteem: A little boost from Nature Experience

Self Esteem: A little boost from Nature Experience

Our memories guide the way we think and feel about ourselves and the confidence we have in our own self worth. When an individual can take a walk down memory lane and draw on positive experiences and good times with many positive comments from others, they are more likely to be able to draw upon healthy levels of self-esteem as a personal resource for themselves throughout life.

Our inner child has a strong need to feel belonging, recognition, validation, and importance. We want to be treasured and remembered. We need this reassurance, especially as children. If our self-esteem is not nurtured sufficiently as children, when we reach adulthood; we may experience a blank slate in our ledger of positive praise and then behave in ways that seem arrogant and conceited to others as we are trying to fill our own ledger of self-esteem abundance.

It’s socially acceptable for a child to praise themselves as they search for validation in their environment but if an adult does this they are seen as self absorbed and narcissistic. Adults need to nurture their self esteem and their inner child too, right?

Experiences in nature take us to the most natural part of ourselves to truly experience the moment. Adults become attuned to their inner child effortlessly. Children become the leaders of their domain and thrive. Annoying traits such as a worry wart, superficial mom and a micro-managing, control-freak dad seem to take the form of a sit-com, when in nature. The normal responses you receive from your parents that make you want to recluse to your room and binge on electronics will all of a sudden turn into a literal comedy show, allowing you to understand and appreciate a whole new perspective to family dynamics as you laugh together spontaneously.

Imagine going rafting, rock climbing or canyoneering with your mom and dad. Your mom will shriek at the very idea thinking, “There is no way”. Your dad may secretly be excited but think to himself, “How on earth am I going to get this Dad bod up the rocks”.

Mindful Mountain Wellness offers supported nature based adventure experiences for everyone, all ages, all levels (Your 95 year old grandma can even be a participant in the experience).

If there is only one parent in the equation, it will strengthen the connection and bond that exists as the adult’s inner child is nourished and the child gets to hone in on their leadership skills of confidence and the simplicity of being a child.

Mindful Mountain Wellness also offers therapeutic components to nature based experiences to naturally help find expression and communication around confusing topics that need more exploration.

So, instead of going to Disney land for your next spring break, try a family nature-based adventure. You will find common ground and connection with your loved ones to nourish your inner child. You will also create memories that will lead to an unbreakable self-esteem.

Trust... Invisible Loyalties, Entitlements, and Revolving Slates: Nurture This Through Adventure

Trust... Invisible Loyalties, Entitlements, and Revolving Slates: Nurture This Through Adventure

Positive Frame: 10 Personal Characteristics

Positive Frame: 10 Personal Characteristics