Rheumatoid Arthritis-Managing Pain — Outdoor Health & Wellness
Rheumatoid Arthritis-Managing Pain

Rheumatoid Arthritis-Managing Pain

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease where the body attacks it’s own joints. The most obvious first symptom is inflammation in the joints causing swollen, inflamed, painful joints.

Autoimmune diseases are very complex and systemic in nature. It’s very difficult to pin point a specific cause for autoimmune disease. Most have an underlying imbalance with inflammation in the body among other physiological symptoms. Inflammation is easier to understand both in awareness and prevention than Rheumatoid Arthritis or other specific Autoimmune Disease alone. If you are experiencing stiffness and pain in your joints, it is important to see your physician. While mindfulness and self care can help to manage pain and inflammation. It is not a cure. There are no cures for autoimmune diseases, symptoms can be controlled through medication and pain and discomfort can be managed through self care strategies such as nutrition, mindfulness and spending time in nature.

When you are able to develop an awareness in yourself, noticing when you eat specific foods and how they make you feel, or when you are experiencing specific emotions and how these emotions specifically affect your physical body; you can learn when your body is experiencing inflammation and then work towards intentionally decrease inflammation in your body through mindful choice.

Inflammation is not just from foods you eat, it’s the emotions you feel; anger, guilt, prolonged sadness, inferiority, etc. Experiencing an imbalance in these emotions can lead to an overburdened stress system that make it easier to opt for poor diet and lifestyle choices. This is how a system works. One imbalance leads to a whole system that is out of balance.

Being mindful in one area such as awareness in your self and engaging in proactive emotional health strategies can lead to better dietary awareness and choice; influencing a better attitude towards healthy lifestyles and behaviors.

Find out more in our Mindful Mountain Wellness Workshop for reducing inflammation here.

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