The Authentic Self: Nature and the Human Soul
How do you distinguish what is true about yourself and what is not. We have been conditioned to act, think, and behave a certain way since the beginning of time. Is your voice really your voice, or has it been passed down to you through the family emotional system without your individuated input? How exactly do you create clarity in your own genuine attitude and opinions, your own personal interest and values, your own style, your own emotions and feelings, and your own needs. Most of us automatically assume these characteristics without even questioning wether they are congruent with our authentic self.
Start now in helping your child explore self discovery, so that their internal, individual voice is strong and clear. This can help to create a very transparent and confident sense of self so that one is able to stand strong as an individual in connection with others.
Set aside a little bit of time each week to continue this exercise to develop an ability to elaborate in expressive communication.
Children may not know how to answer these questions or may answer with one or two words at first but introducing them to these questions will start the flow of asking themselves important questions so that they are able to differentiate and express themselves with greater ability, authentically.
*It may help to engage in this dyadic communication during a nature walk to get the words, presence of a grounded self and self expression flowing.
There are no right or wrong answers here. Allow your child to explore their own thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Exercise for Self Discovery and the Authentic Self
In understanding yourself at a very real level, try these questions to begin the process of authentic self discovery.
What is your attitude about important issues in todays world in the specific society you live in, currently?
What are your interests? What kind of art, music and social entertainment do you enjoy? What are your favorite things about these interests?
How would you describe your style? How do you express yourself? What is your way of doing things?
If you could do anything today without limitations, what would you do?
Today, what feelings need to be addressed or celebrated? How are you feeling right now?