A Perfect Future: Is it Realistic to have more Success than Failure: I believe, so....
Imagine that you are looking into a crystal ball and you can see your life in the future.
Imagine that there are no major problems and your life is perfect.
What would it look like?
In as much detail as you possibly can visualize this perfect future of yours.
Maybe the career that you have been working towards and dreaming of is finally a reality in your life, and you are your own boss.
You finally have enough money that you can start building a significant savings and you don’t have to live paycheck to paycheck anymore.
You have a challenging and rewarding career that pays well and allows you to not have to constantly worry about money.
What does this look like in as much detail as possible?
How did you get here?
Define three small goals that will help you accomplish this?
Notice when you have small moments of success and celebrate these moments.
Maybe your family is finally getting along, sharing a dinner together without any electronics or arguments or walking away from the dinner table?
Imagine in detail what the conversations and interactions specifically look like.
Think about how you will contribute to creating this type of an atmosphere.
Notice when these successful interactions are already happening and enrich these moments with each detail a little longer.
Maybe your relationship with your significant other is satisfying and fulfilled with mutual respect and connection that flows easily.
How are you able to create this satisfying relationship of mutual respect and connection?
What exactly does this mutual respect and connection look like?
Envision this perfect mutual respect and connection in as much detail as possible.
How are you able to achieve this?
Notice when there are little successes of mutual respect and connection already, Do more of this!
Then, practice observing through out the day when this perfect life that you imagine is already happening and focus on these times. Nourish the strengths and resources that you already have so movement is constantly flowing in the direction towards success.
Eventually if you focus on the strengths and successes that you already have, this positivity of optimistic growth is what will consume your day as the problems begin to fade away.
What you focus on grows; If you focus on solutions you will find more success. If you focus on problems, failure will result.
Try this as 2022 rolls in and be ready to live your perfect future in the present in 2022.