Mindfulness Tools for Depression 4 or 8 Week Online Course

Mindfulness Tools for Depression 4 or 8 Week Online Course

This is an online course that will begin teaching the basic building blocks of mindfulness meditation with a focus on how mindfulness meditation can be a tool to help cope with depression. We will teach daily mindfulness meditation breathing exercises, journaling/workbook course work, and guided meditations and affirmations that you can use practically each day.

It is important to note that mindfulness meditation and yoga are not a substitute for therapy. It is not uncommon to combine a mindfulness meditation class with weekly therapy, even if you think you don’t need therapy.

Additionally, If at any time you should feel a need to consult a therapist please do so without hesitation.

We recommend a combination of mindfulness meditation with a nature-based cognitive behavioral therapy to help reach a greater awareness in depressive thinking patterns and to encourage a deeper level of support.

Module 1:

This is an introduction to mindfulness that teaches skills in centering the body and mind. We go into an in depth understanding of the beginners mind, body awareness, and learning to arrive where you are.

Module 2:

We begin to explore the mind in more depth and how to let go of judgement. Then, we explore feelings and how the mind and judgement affect feelings and the importance of accepting one’s self, without judgement.

Module 3:

We start to look at patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving and developing self-care routines and habits to take care of the body and mind.

Module 4:

We focus on self compassion to let go of difficult feelings, thoughts, and emotions.

Visit Mindful Mountain Wellness for more information.

or Sign up Here.

"Letting Go is the Act of Getting to Know Yourself so Deeply that all Delusions Fall Away" -Yung Pueblo

"Letting Go is the Act of Getting to Know Yourself so Deeply that all Delusions Fall Away" -Yung Pueblo

Ways in Which to Cultivate Mindfulness and its Deeply Optimistic and Transformative View of Human Nature

Ways in Which to Cultivate Mindfulness and its Deeply Optimistic and Transformative View of Human Nature