"Letting Go is the Act of Getting to Know Yourself so Deeply that all Delusions Fall Away" -Yung Pueblo
From a very young age we develop patterns of protection. Some people become very reclusive and closed off to the world, creating a barrier of safety. Some people become very competitive and aggressive, seeing everything and everyone as a source of criticism and a reason for challenge. Some people use a façade of humor and comedy to occupy feelings of complete irrelevancy. Some people use substances, food, or excessive exercise to create a sense of protection between themselves and reality. Some people are a little bit of two or a mixture of all.
How do you notice habits of self protection? Do you know how to recognize destructive resistance when it faces you? What are you resisting? Are these habits serving you well? Is it preventing healthy growth full of connecting to a life well lived?
Ask yourself these simple questions and notice what thoughts, feelings, and emotions become present.
Then sit with your breath, your awareness, and non-judgmentally allow your self an ability to strengthen the trust within yourself to let go of habits and patterns that do not serve you well.
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