Mindfulness and Teenagers

Mindfulness and Teenagers

The teenage years are a time of immense stress. Larger loads of homework, important peer relationships, overload of social media, worries of future life planning, pressures from parental expectations and the list goes on. Some teenagers are able to handle life smoothly no matter how much stress they have on their plate, others need an added boost in self-care habit to develop healthy coping skills in order to navigate through life with ease and success.

The teenage brain can be charged with intense emotions, out of control hormones, and awkward growing pains. Helping your teen develop a mindfulness practice will allow them to be the driver in their life, (and trust me, you want them to be the driver in their own life, you do not want a 50 year old teenager).

Mindfulness gives individuals the opportunity to learn how to slow down and understand each emotion, feeling, or thought that comes their way so that they are better equipped to transition into adulthood when ready. Being fully present, and aware of the self at a very real level are just some of the benefits of mindfulness.

Example of Mindfulness Exercise:

Concentration is so important especially in today’s world where technology consumes most of our time, creating an easily distracted mind. Pracaticing to improve focus boosts confidence and motivation as skills are mastered and you are able to level up.

Sit comfortably with your legs criss-crossed. Sit up tall as you straighten your spine and lift your chin slightly. Set your timer for 8 minutes and pick a point in your environment to focus on. Place your palms together at your heart . As you remain focused on your fixed point, with each breath imagine your spine expanding as you grow taller and taller. With each breath, find yourself more grounded, more confident, and more at peace; lengthening each breath, sitting taller, and focusing more and more with greater levels of concentration. Say to yourself out loud, I am focused. Then, gently bring your attention back to your breath and stand up with security.

Try to increase the time in meditation a few minutes each week.

This may seem silly at first but, the benefits of developing a mindfulness practice are endless.

What is the Mindful Mountain Wellness Way?

What is the Mindful Mountain Wellness Way?

"Letting Go is the Act of Getting to Know Yourself so Deeply that all Delusions Fall Away" -Yung Pueblo

"Letting Go is the Act of Getting to Know Yourself so Deeply that all Delusions Fall Away" -Yung Pueblo