Yoga For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: 8 Steps to Help Recover From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Associated Symptoms

Yoga For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: 8 Steps to Help Recover From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Associated Symptoms

February 15, 2021

Have you ever felt so tired, that you couldn’t even get yourself out of bed in the morning? Have you experienced the kind of exhaustion and fatigue that just doesn’t seem to go away? It is important to understand that normal fatigue can be experienced by anyone. Normal fatigue is temporary and the body can bounce back once adequate sleep and nutrition has been balanced, and the (common cause) underlying bacterial or viral illnesses have subsided. On the other hand, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is more than normal fatigue, it is a constant feeling of exhaustion to the point of fatigue persisting for longer than 6 months. It is often accompanied by insomnia, muscle and joint pain, brain fog or difficulty concentrating and can be misdiagnosed as chronic depression or come with a co-occurring diagnosis of depression. Most people understand how serious a diagnosis of depression is, especially when thoughts of suicide or not wanting to live is present. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is just as serious. It can be a painful existence for those that experience living with this condition. It’s time to bring awareness to this common and serious debilitating condition!

In the scientific community there are no exact causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; However, the way CFS shows up in the body is now characterized as a neurological condition that effects the Central Nervous System, such as; the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System. Simplified, It can be understood as an imbalance in the Nervous System, with overproduction of stress hormones and over burdened immune functioning. The symptoms are not linear in cause and effect, such as the chicken or the egg phenomena; but rather systemic in the idea that thoughts, feelings, emotions, and body sensations are all connected to produce symptoms of illness as well as progress of health!

So then, How can Yoga and Mindfulness be a tool to help assist in the recovery or healing of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? MindfulMountainWellness

We are offering an 8 week online course that introduces Yoga and Mindfulness Practices for overcoming symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Sign up on our website

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