Mindfulness to Cultivate Happiness

Mindfulness to Cultivate Happiness

It is impossible to separate the mind from the body. So it makes sense that when the mind is happy, the body is also happy. The way we think, especially when it comes to health and lifestyle, changes our physical health.

Many studies have found that, happy people with a sense of inner peace are healthier than negative people who live in a world of pessimism. Happy people tend to have a resilience and natural resistance to many diseases.

Optimists catch fewer diseases.

Optimists have better health habits.

Our immune system works better when we are optimistic.

Evidence suggests that optimists live longer than pessimists.

People with positive attitudes who see themselves as survivors play an active role in their own health and healing process.

Positive people can rebuild and regenerate their physical body, literally. And the beauty is, we have the ability to choose the way we think in any given moment.

So, practice cultivating your own strength of happiness, connection, and belonging in anyway you can wether that be through a strong spiritual foundation, a connected support system, or simply spending time in nature.

Also, Happiness is contagious and limitless. Sharing happiness helps promote your own.

Mindfulness to Cultivate Happiness

Emotions are meant to be felt and appreciated rather than solved. Getting to know the different feeling landscapes within yourself can help to get in touch with the physical sensations feelings create within the body.

As you begin this meditation remind yourself frequently with words of encouragement to notice and detect emotion, optimistically, even when they are unpleasant.

Continually allow the sensations of your breath to anchor your emotions; in meditation and throughout the day.


Sit quietly, adopting a posture that is alert and awake and turn your attention to your emotions and your breath.

Focus on your breath, your posture and what ever feelings, emotions, and body sensations become present. Say to yourself, I notice this feeling. This is how this feels. Label each emotion, feeling, thought, or sensation that arises.

Congratulate yourself for experiencing your emotional self, even the difficult emotions. As each moment becomes clear, label it, and make peace with it.

Begin each day with this optimism. Through out the day go back to this mindfulness practice of experiencing each emotion, feeling, thought, and sensation optimistically.

Reminding yourself how brave you are to view the world with such confidence and positivity.


-Mindful Mountain Wellness

Riding The Wave: Acceptance

Riding The Wave: Acceptance
