How do nature and mindfulness help regulate stress response systems?

How do nature and mindfulness help regulate stress response systems?


Our stress response system is shaped through millions of years of evolution. An imbalance in the stress response system, in extreme cases, can lead to psychiatric disorders such as, post traumatic stress disorder. It can also increase the risk of other mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.

In a healthy stress response system, some stress can be healthy as the mental and physical body adapts to homeostatically take control over the perceived life threatening situation. However, when the stress response becomes excessive; the physical, mental, or emotional bodies bcome flooded with stress hormones such as cortisol. When stress is prolonged over a period of time, or too intense for the body to handle, the fight or flight stress response can take over and lead to compromised health both mentally and physically.

Coping mechanisms are resources to help an individual adapt when a stress responses is experienced. Self regulation techniques such as; Yoga, Meditation, Hiking, Biking, Canoeing, simply being in nature and many other outdoor activities can help the body and brain rebuild healthy neural connections. How? These activities are experiential in nature giving the body -mind connection opportunities to rebuild new, healthy pathways.

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